St. James Community Soup Kitchen
St. James Parish Hall
112 East Main Street Entrance
Soup Kitchen Hours: First and Third Tuesdays Noon - 1:00 PM
Food Cupboard Hours: Second and Fourth Tuesdays 11:00 AM - Noon
"Neighbors helping neighbors fight food insecurity in Titusville and surrounding areas."
112 East Main Street Entrance
Soup Kitchen Hours: First and Third Tuesdays Noon - 1:00 PM
Food Cupboard Hours: Second and Fourth Tuesdays 11:00 AM - Noon
"Neighbors helping neighbors fight food insecurity in Titusville and surrounding areas."

Saint James Community Soup Kitchen has provided food and fellowship to Titusville area residents for over ten years, thanks to the generous support of many individuals and organizations. During this time, our ministry to the community has grown, as has our pool of volunteers who represent many of the churches in our area. The purpose of this letter is to acquaint church leaders with the programs we offer, so that we may better serve those in need in the Titusville area.
We continue to provide a hearty, sit-down dinner every Tuesday from noon until one. The meal is free and open to everyone, regardless of income. We encourage people to come and be part of the fellowship. We have expanded our ministry to include distribution of groceries to all who need food on the second and fourth Tuesdays every month, following the noon meal. We also have a limited number of grocery store gift certificates available for emergencies.
Providing a meal for the sick or shut-in is another expanding ministry. If you are aware of someone in need, we invite your church representative to call the church office at 827-3590 before ten o'clock on Tuesday morning to place an order. Although we cannot deliver the meal for you, we will be glad to prepare a take-out for you to pick up.
We invite you to visit the Soup Kitchen at St. James Episcopal Church, 112 East Main Street and share a meal with us on a Tuesday. Our coordinators will be glad to answer your questions. We realize that there are food stamps and other organizations that provide food. Nevertheless, there may be those who fall through the cracks and do not qualify for those programs. If you are aware of someone who falls into this category, please call the church office between nine and noon Monday thru Friday and we will assist you as best we can.
Serving courageously in the name of Christ and living faithfully is our mission.
We continue to provide a hearty, sit-down dinner every Tuesday from noon until one. The meal is free and open to everyone, regardless of income. We encourage people to come and be part of the fellowship. We have expanded our ministry to include distribution of groceries to all who need food on the second and fourth Tuesdays every month, following the noon meal. We also have a limited number of grocery store gift certificates available for emergencies.
Providing a meal for the sick or shut-in is another expanding ministry. If you are aware of someone in need, we invite your church representative to call the church office at 827-3590 before ten o'clock on Tuesday morning to place an order. Although we cannot deliver the meal for you, we will be glad to prepare a take-out for you to pick up.
We invite you to visit the Soup Kitchen at St. James Episcopal Church, 112 East Main Street and share a meal with us on a Tuesday. Our coordinators will be glad to answer your questions. We realize that there are food stamps and other organizations that provide food. Nevertheless, there may be those who fall through the cracks and do not qualify for those programs. If you are aware of someone who falls into this category, please call the church office between nine and noon Monday thru Friday and we will assist you as best we can.
Serving courageously in the name of Christ and living faithfully is our mission.