St. James Memorial Episcopal Church, 112 East Main Street, Titusville, PA 16354
Phone: 814-827-3590 * Email:
Office Hours: 8:00 AM - Noon - Tuesday - Thursday
9:00 AM - Noon - Friday - Closed Monday
Sunday Service - 10:30 AM

St. James and the Titusville YWCA to partner for a Second Community Event The Vitality Committee and the YWCA will be hosting a second outreach program focused on bridging the divides that may exist in our community. The program is called "The Longest Table: Finding Connections During Divided Times" The purpose of the event is to provide a simple and sociable conversation format in which a group of people come together to get to know one another, in a more meaningful way than usual, by talking about their sense of personal purpose in their lives and in our community and about their priority hopes and concerns for the future of the community, country and planet.
The free event is scheduled for Thursday, March 20th from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. There will be food and beverages provided. A separate email with registration information was sent. However, if you are interested in attending you can use the button below to register. Please share with friends and family who may be interested in attending
The free event is scheduled for Thursday, March 20th from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. There will be food and beverages provided. A separate email with registration information was sent. However, if you are interested in attending you can use the button below to register. Please share with friends and family who may be interested in attending
Welcome to St. James Memorial Episcopal Church

Whether you have been exploring your faith for a lifetime or are just beginning to search, you are welcome here. Bring your hopes and fears, worries and joys, talents and shortcomings. We welcome all of it! Your perspective and your questions are unique. Together we will deepen our ties to God and one another.
At our core, we believe that serving courageously and living faithfully go hand in hand. Every day we step out of our comfort zone and step up to participate in God’s work in the world. On Sundays, we gather not only to hear God’s word broken open for today’s time but also to feast on the sacrament that empowers our lives.
We invite you see first hand what all of this means and how you might get connected!
At our core, we believe that serving courageously and living faithfully go hand in hand. Every day we step out of our comfort zone and step up to participate in God’s work in the world. On Sundays, we gather not only to hear God’s word broken open for today’s time but also to feast on the sacrament that empowers our lives.
We invite you see first hand what all of this means and how you might get connected!
Prayer Ministry

The St. James Sunday prayer list is read each week during the Prayers of the People. This is a chance for the St. James worshipping family to pray together for the needs of family, friends and community members. Many of those we pray for have ongoing needs while others have needs which resolve more quickly. To add someone to the list, contact the church office.
Please let the office know when a name can be removed from the Sunday bulletin. Names are kept on for at least two months but with no further update on the person, a name might be removed at that time. Rest assured that God does not forget your loved one even when their name is removed from the list. And some in the prayer ministry continue to pray for them for many months until they feel God has released them from doing so. Names can always be put back on the list as needed.
If a need is very urgent, request that the confidential Prayer Chain be activated so prayer can begin immediately.
Contact the Church office: 814-827-3590 or email
Please let the office know when a name can be removed from the Sunday bulletin. Names are kept on for at least two months but with no further update on the person, a name might be removed at that time. Rest assured that God does not forget your loved one even when their name is removed from the list. And some in the prayer ministry continue to pray for them for many months until they feel God has released them from doing so. Names can always be put back on the list as needed.
If a need is very urgent, request that the confidential Prayer Chain be activated so prayer can begin immediately.
Contact the Church office: 814-827-3590 or email
Church LeadershipThe Bishop’s Committee is the elected governing body of the congregation. The Bishop’s Committee is composed of elected members from the congregation, representing a diverse set of skills and gifts for leadership.
Service InformationHoly Eucharist is offered most Sundays at 10:30 AM with Morning Prayer offered once per month.
All are welcome. |
Soup KitchenSoup Kitchen Hours: First and Third Tuesdays Noon - 1:00 PM
Food Cupboard Hours: Second and Fourth Tuesdays 11:00 AM - Noon "Neighbors helping neighbors fight food insecurity in Titusville and surrounding areas." |
Congregational Support

Make Gifts and Pledges to Congregations Online
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the work of congregations continues, and the need for pledge income and gifts is urgent. The bishop's office is maintaining an online giving platform that accepts gifts and pledge payments for any congregation.
The partnership dioceses will absorb payment processing fees so that your entire gift will go to your congregation for local mission.
Support your congregation online.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the work of congregations continues, and the need for pledge income and gifts is urgent. The bishop's office is maintaining an online giving platform that accepts gifts and pledge payments for any congregation.
The partnership dioceses will absorb payment processing fees so that your entire gift will go to your congregation for local mission.
Support your congregation online.
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